Real Madrid testeaza din nou piata fundasilor stanga. Dupa ce francezul Gael Clichy si spaniolul Nacho Monreal au fost luati in vizor de oficialii madrileni, un alt nume a patruns pe lista ‘albilor’. Este vorba de fundasul stanga de la AC Fiorentina Juan Vargas. Peruanul a mai fost dorit la Madrid si inainte de a semna cu gruparea de pe Artemio Franchi, insa in cele din urma, fundasul a fost transferat de Catania tot in Serie A, pentru ca Ramon Calderon a refuzat sa plateasca cele 12 milioane de euro cerute de sicilieni.
In mare cautare de un lateral stanga, Real s-a reorientat acum catre sud-americanul pe care si Jose Mourinho il doreste din cate se pare la Inter Milano. Cotat la 25 de milioane de euro, Vargas este considerat in acest moment cel mai bun fundas stanga din Serie A conform notelor acordate de Gazzetta dello Sport. Peruanul in varsta de 26 de ani, a bifat pana acum 30 de prezente in nationala statului Peru. Desi Fiorentina cere o suma extrem de mare pentru el, surse autorizate sustin ca in tranzactia Vargas ar putea fii inclus si imprumutul lui Drenthe sau chiar transferul sau definitiv.
even simply a qutiseon about a black student’s hair, teachers often elect to keep their mouths shut. Good, keep it shut!sadly, too many teachers are not particularly savvy when it comes to race. I'm talking about the entire US not just the liberal and diverse areas. having lived and gone to school in both poor rural and very wealthy California, you find ineptitude in reagrds to race and sociology nearly everywhere.Shasta County, Redding in California is a great example. Living there during the 80 s, there was so much racism , FROM TEACHERS , that I could write a book. Today, many would be out of a job. The only race talk these pigs were having with each other was exchanging new slurs.Parents need to prepare their children to be studious, polite but also aware that many of their teachers are racist.